Saturday, October 4, 2008

Venice - Day Two

Day two in Venice was every bit as exciting as day one. We started off the day visiting the Rialto market. Fresh vegetables, fresh meats and fish, fresh fruits and a lot of people were everywhere. The peppers in the photograph to the left were just some of the many foodstuffs available.

We then took a water taxi across the canal so we could visit the Church of San Giovanni e Paolo. This church is not only a house of worship but it also holds the remains of many of Venice's most prominent citizens down through the years. That is down through hundreds of years. There are folks buried in sealed cases in the floors, there are people entombed in caskets on stands on the walls, and photographs or paintings of many of these folks are located next to or underneath their grave. Our guide said many of these people just did not want the world to forget them.

We also visited the architectural museum at Arsenale and saw some of the many architectural ideas Italians have for living in limited or tight quarters.

Photographs are being added daily to my flickr page at

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